Welcome to the Joseph Campbell Foundation
Hello — the site has been experiencing some glitchy behavior over the last few days. We’re looking into it with our host provider. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience. – JCF Web Team
Welcome to the new Joseph Campbell Foundation web site.
This site is a hub of sorts – people of all walks and nationalities and a world of different interests arrive here seeking to learn more about the words and ideas of Joseph Campbell, the hero’s journey, and mythology in general.
Our Associates – people like you who have a desire to learn and grow – represent the world of humanity: they are students, teachers, authors, filmmakers, artists, computer programmers, tour guides, grandmothers, retirees… seekers of every make and model.
Make yourself at home and get to know the thousands of other folks who make this a regular stop on their virtual journeys. We’d like to know your comments on the design of our new site. It is growing constantly as we add more resources, more events, more of everything. |
The Hero Returns!
Third Edition Now Available
The JCF and New World Library are proud to announce the new, long-awaited third edition of Joseph Campbell’s classic The Hero with a Thousand Faces, available now at bookstores (virtual and real) near you!
With additional images, an annotated bibliography, and updated formatting that integrates Campbell’s fascinating footnotes into the text, this beautiful new edition will be a more enlightening, enjoyable reading experience, whether you are new to this classic or an old hand, and will allow you to come closer to Campbell’s original vision.
If you are looking for this classic exploration of the hero journey myth, visit our Contributions page; The Hero is available to you for a donation of US$25 or more.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Joseph Campbell Foundation, we thank you.
JCF could not have become what it is today without you. We may be a shoestring operation, but this is about so much more than donating money or buying a book (not that we intend to discourage you from doing either!). The Foundation is one part of a conversation begun many years ago by Joseph Campbell; your passion sustains and drives that conversation.
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