Ricerca. I laboratori dell’INFN

1° Ottobre 2012

Fonte: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare


I Laboratori dell’INFN – Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare


 I quattro Laboratori nazionali, con sede a Catania, Frascati, Legnaro e Gran Sasso, ospitano grandi apparecchiature e infrastrutture messe a disposizione della comunità scientifica nazionale e internazionale.

LNF           Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Via Enrico Fermi, 40
00044 Frascati – Roma
LNGSLaboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso
S.S. 17 BIS km. 18.910
67010 Assergi L’Aquila
LNLLaboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
Viale dell’Università, 2
35020 Legnaro (PD)
LNSLaboratori Nazionali del Sud
via S.Sofia 62, 95125 Catania
 Abyssal vortices in the Mediterraean sea discovered


LNS News
“Abyssal undular vortices in the Eastern Mediterranean basin” is the title of a paper published in the highly renowed- Nature Communications – journal on may 15, 2012 The data were collected in the Ionian abyssal plain in the framework of the oceanographic measurements performed in the Nemo (NEutrino Mediterranean Observatory) project.

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Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 May 2012 16:34


David Mascali awarded the “Third Biennial Richard Geller Prize “


LNS News
The Third Biennal Richard Geller Prize has been awarded during the 20th Workshop on  ECRIS 2012, 25-28 sept. 2012 Sydney. The prize has been assigned to David Mascali”In recognition of outstanding contributions to the development of ECR (Electron Cyclotron Resonance) ion sources and to encourage promising young scientists”  for his contribution on  – DEVELOPMENT OF AN ORIGINAL 3D SIMULATION CODE WHICH HAS THE POTENTIAL TO IMPROVE OUR UNDERSTANDING OF ECR IONS SOURCE PHYSICS.



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