Difesa. Regno Unito, Francia e Italia rafforzano l’intesa sui missili antimissili. La Turchia si associa?

22 Gennaio 2018


Nota di Domenico Cambareri






eppur qualcosa si muove

Importanti novità per l’ulteriore sviluppo dei sistemi antimissili e antiaerei di progettazione e costruzione europea. Un settore strategico cruciale dell’alta tecnologia in grado di renderci non dipendenti dagli USA a livello di r&s,  produzione e operatività di missili antiaerei e antimissili balistici, con gli italo-francesi Aster 30 e 15.

Il Regno Unito, che non fa parte del pool dei costruttori franco-italiani ma che sin dall’inizio si è associato come acquirente e come produttore di impianti radar di produzione e progettazione propria da accoppiare ai Saam Aster, ha rinnovato il prolungamento dell’accordo a tre con Francia e Italia.

Al contempo Francia e Italia hanno avviato la nuova versione del Saam 30 dotato di maggiori prestazioni operative. Il missile è lontano dalle prestazioni del a più avanzata versione dello Standard anti m.b. della ricca famiglia americana, però è anche vero che ha margini di crescita elevati e che si basa su un’architettura diversa. 

La Turchia, che a dicembre ha gelato Francia e Italia e la NATO procedendo all’acquisto delle sue prime due batterie di missili antimissili dalla Russia, con relativo finanziamento pluriennale, ha riconfermato l’interesse per l’acquisizione degli Aster entro una cornice di diretta ricaduta tecnologica e industriale.

Essa conferma che non vuole e non può uscire dal quadro della sicurezza europea e atlantica e che allo stesso tempo vuole avere le mani libere e non dipendere dalla struttura NATO e dall’industria europea in presenza di sue autonomie iniziative politiche e operazioni belliche a carattere nel contesto geografico asianico (regione anatolica allargata) non condiviso e avversato dall’UE, dalle diplomazie dei Paesi aderenti, dagli USA, dalla NATO.

L’importantissima fornitura russa tuttavia non affranca il regime di Erdogan dalla dipendenza di un partner: nel caso in specie, per la mancanza di adeguatezza numerica e di autonomia della difesa antimissili delle due batterie, perché la tecnologia, l’assistenza operativa e i rifornimenti rimarranno in mano russa. Per cui, il niet di Mosca a avventure ulteriori, peserà come un macigno su Erdogan. Il quale, possiamo ben dire, si è legato come una salsiccia con le sue stesse mani a causa di un’arrogante e imprevidente politica sciovinista e confessionale.

Nel contesto della difesa antimissile dell’Europa, siamo ancora costretti a dire dei tanti Paesi europei, in questo delicato ambito la realtà è molto frastagliata, giacché le Nazioni che si erano già dotate di uno strumento di difesa antimissile autonomo come Olanda e Germania, con i Patriot degli USA, seguiranno una diversa via.

La Germana ha anche scelto il MEADS, avanzato sistema antimissili a medio-largo raggio progettato e realizzato con gli USA e l’Italia. Esso sarà integrato con le batterie dei patriot tedeschi di costruzione americana. Non sappiamo come le acquisizioni tecnologiche fatte con il progetto MEADS dall’Italia (socio con capitale marginale) potranno essere messe a frutto in vi autonoma o altrimenti innestate. 

 Il Regno Unito, sia pure dotato di Patriot, grazie alle dimensioni degli investimenti nel settore della difesa, si può  consentire questa doppia scelta. E’ tuttavia da precisare che l’Aster europeo è un missile che opera sia imbarcato sulle unità navali sia con i reparti dell’esercito e dell’aeronautica basati sulla terraferma, mentre il Patriot opera soltanto con batterie terrestri.  

Purtroppo, Polonia e Romania confermano la sudditanza agli USA e si dotano dei Patriot, In particolare, Varsavia acquisterà altri armamenti molto sofistica americani: non sappiamo con quali risorse finanziarie li pagherà.

Il dato di fatto è che l’Unione Europea è impegnata a contenere questa persistente azione di logoramento condotta dagli strateghi neocon lungo le regioni orientali, ossia con la forte e negativa influenza esercitata sui governi  dei Paesi baltici, di Polonia, e repubbliche ceca, slovacca, Romania … la contigua Ucraina … e la zolla di terra atta a controllare l’area balcanica: il Kosovo. E poi è sempre colpa dei cattivi russi che, traditi e circondati già dal guerrafondaio criminale Bush j.r ,  circondati lungo tutti i loro confini, sono costretti a correre ai ripari. – (D.C.)



 – jan 18, 2018
On behalf of France, Italy and the United Kingdom governments, OCCAr (The Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation) has notified a New In-Service Support (N-ISS) contract with the Franco-Italian consortium, Eurosam, which is co-owned by MBDA and Thales. It replaces the first ISS contract that has been in place since July 2012. This contract has been a premiere in a major multinational armament program: OCCAR and Eurosam have collaborated to create a support community that is operationally compliant with the requirements of the three nations and five end users (armies, navies, air force).
The N-ISS contract – which runs for five years from 2 January 2018 – will include in-service support for French and Italian land and naval systems (SAAM-Fr, SAAM-It, PAAMS and SAMP/T) as well as all ASTER missiles (ASTER 15, ASTER 30 and ASTER 30 B1) from France, Italy and the United Kingdom. The new contract represents a major upgrade from its predecessor and includes not only focused improvements (introduction of repair packages and simplified management) but also cost-efficient, long-term and tailored life cycle continuity support (anticipating major overhauls and addressing long-term obsolescence). The new five-year contract enables the three nations, OCCAR and industry to make common contractual analyses via periodic reviews, which incorporate any potential changes to nation specifications beyond the performance of logistics and support activities.
Speaking during the contract signing ceremony, Abdoulaye Samba, Eurosam managing director, commented: “Over the past years, Eurosam systems, whether SAAM, PAAMS or SAMP/T, have protected our home nations forces all over the world, contributing to their freedom of action and our nations influence.  We are proud to have been at their side for all this time, making all efforts to keep their operational availability at the highest level.  I take the renewing of our in service support contract as a strong show of confidence from our home customers in the benefits of working in co-operation together with OCCAR and Eurosam. This is of special significance at a time when 25 European nations have decided to join forces for improving their military capabilities and strategic autonomy into the Permanent Structured Co-operation. “


 – jan 05, 2018

LORAMIDS Study contract

Turkey has awarded Eurosam, Aselsan and Roketsan a contract for the definition study of the future Turkish Long Range Air and Missile Defence System. The contract award was made during the meeting of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Emmanuel Macron today in Paris.
Scheduled to last 18 months, this definition study aims at preparing the development and production contract for the future system meeting the operational requirements of the Turkish Air Force. The contract was awarded by the SSM (the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries), which is responsible for acquisitions under the President of Republic of Turkey, jointly to Turkish companies Aselsan and Roketsan, and to the Franco-Italian consortium Eurosam; backed by its two shareholders MBDA and Thales.
The contract follows on from the Heads of Agreement signed by the Industry on 14 July 2017 and the Letter Of Intent signed by the French, Italian and Turkish Defence Ministers on 8 November 2017.
This study paves the way for the launch of a three-country joint Long Range Air and Missile Defence Program. The future system will be ready by the middle of the next decade with a state-of-the-art military capability designed to counter the most challenging threats (stealth aircraft, UAVs, cruise missiles, and ballistic missiles). The system is expected to meet three countries’ basic operational needs and it will guarantee Turkey has full employment autonomy and will allow a sovereign choice of integration level within NATO. The joint development activity is expected to support Turkey’s indigeneous air and missile development programme in addition to opening up prospects for exports and longer-term co-operation of Turkey, Italy and France.
At the signing ceremony of this definition study contract, Abdoulaye Samba, Eurosam Managing Director, stated: « Eurosam has been fully dedicated to air and missile defence since its inception in 1989 and has acquired world-class expertise as well as a unique experience of co-operation in this strategic and eminently sovereign domain. Today, we are proud to provide this know-how to the co-operation between France and Italy with their Turkish ally within NATO. I am confident that this co-operation will also last several decades and will contribute to bringing our countries closer on a strategic level, as it has been the case for the last thirty years with France and Italy. «

Turkey, France and Italy sign an agreement on air defense

 – nov 09, 2017

italya ve fransa svn.bkn.

On November 8th the Turkish, Italian and French defense ministers signed an intergovernmental agreement (Letter of Intent). The event took place in NATO headquarters, in Brussels. The agreement states the 3 countries intent  to strengthen their relation ship in defence matters, starting with air and missile defence.
Turkey has been seeking for years to develop a national long range air and missile defense system. Discussion with France and Italy focused on a solution using Eurosam SAMP/T as a stepping stone the the complete Turkish system LORAMIDS. Eurosam is thus teaming with Turkish partners Aselsan and Roketsan to develop LORAMIDS. The signature of the LoI is a strong token of the governments support and will to proceed

Italy and France sign B1NT agreement

 – juin 23, 2016
Italian and French Ministers of Defence signed a new agreement to cooperate on new developments of the joint SAMP/T programme. The new phase of the SAMP/T programme is named B1NT. Signature took place in Paris on June 14.
Last December OCCAr and Eurosam signed a contract, launching B1NT activities, only with France though. Italy is now formally committing to join B1NT, resuming 25 years old bilateral cooperation on SAMP/T with its French partner.

SAMP/T in war zone

 – juin 09, 2016
SAMP/T units are starting to relieve PATRIOT as part of NATO package to support Turkey on the Syrian border.
Two Italian SAMP/T are set to replace German PATRIOT in the Turkish city of Kahramanmaraş. After the naval systems developped by Eurosam were deployed off Lybian, Syrian or Iraki coasts, it is time for the land system designed by the European company to make its operational debut out of Italian or French borders.