A New Delhi trionfa il banditismo politico. Chi gli si oppone?

20 febbraio 2014

Domenico Cambareri






Il governo di New Delhi e i suoi stupidi briganti

Seconda lettera aperta





Il gabinetto dell’Unione Indiana affonda solo nelle lotte politiche intestine? Quanti fra questi ministri sono arroganti banditi oltre che stupidi ignoranti o degli inetti complici? Quanto male stanno arrecando all’India a livello mondiale?






Cari amici indiani,

sono trascorsi due anni da quando il governo indiano ha aggredito in modo arrogante e criminale il diritto internazionale del mare, la libertà di navigazione in acque internazionali, la prevenzione internazionale della pirateria, la sovranità di uno Stato.
Sono trascorsi due anni da quando il governo del Kerala e il governo dell’Unione Indiana hanno violato la sovranità italiana e sequestrato due suoi marinai.
Il governo indiano, che non ha aperto alcun contenzioso in sede internazionale, ha arrecato una profonda ferita all’ONU, al Trattato di Montego Bay, ai fori e ai board internazionali, al ruolo della diplomazia, alla comprensione e composizione corretta, onesta e pacifica fra le parti.
Il governo indiano in questo modo ha offeso gravemente l’onore e la credibilità internazionale dell’India e la sta isolando.
Oggi il potere del gabinetto di governo dell’Unione Indiana, della sua magistratura suprema, del suo ministero degli interni sono guardati con grande disorientamento e legittimo sospetto non solo in Europa e nella NATO. Ogni Paese che commercia via mare con l’India considera queste gravissime violazioni inaccettabili e molto pericolose.
La stampa e l’opinione pubblica mondiale hanno appreso che il governo di una grande Nazione agisce come agiscono dei pessimi e anche stupidissimi briganti.
Questo genera importanti dubbi e sicure e giustificate paure sulla incapacità del vostro governo di rispettare la convivenza internazionale.
Giunti a questo punto, potranno ancora essere utili le scuse alle marinerie di ogni bandiera e di ogni Paese, ai marinai che pattugliano gli oceani e i mari per la salvaguardia dei traffici mercantili? Potranno bastare all’Italia e all’Unione Europea le scuse e la liberazione dei due “marò”?







The government in New Delhi and his stupid robbers

Open letter no. 2






Dear Indian friends,
Two years have passed since the Indian government has attacked so arrogant and criminal international law of the sea, freedom of navigation in international waters, international prevention of piracy, the sovereignty of a State.
Two years have passed since the government of Kerala and the Government of the Indian Union have violated Italian sovereignty and seized two of his sailors.
The Indian government, which has not opened any litigation at the international level, has caused a deep wound to the UN, the Treaty of Montego Bay, the holes and the international board, the role of diplomacy, understanding and correct composition, honest and peaceful between the parties.
The Indian government has so gravely offended the honor and the international credibility of India and is isolating.
Today the power of the government cabinet of the Indian Union, its supreme magistracy, its interior ministry are viewed with great disorientation and legitimate suspicion not only in Europe and NATO. Each country trading by sea with India considers these serious violations unacceptable and very dangerous.
The press and the public worldwide have learned that the government of a great Nation acts as the bad acting and even idiotic robbers.
This creates major doubts, safe and justified fears about the inability of your government to respect international coexistence.
At this point, may still be useful the excuses to the navies of all flag and of each country, to the sailors patrolling the oceans and seas for the protection of trade routes? Italy and the European Union will be sufficient apology and the release of the two “marines”?




India ministro dell'interno 220px-Sushilkumar_Shinde

Questo individuo è lo stupido boss dei pirati del Kerala o il ministro degli Interni dell’Unione Indiana?



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Partial list of Indian newapaper





24×7 Reporting, 5abi5,  Dariya News, Aaj Ka Inqalab, Aaj Tak, Aamader Malda, Aapkiawaz.comABC Live, Adhar News, Akila, Anakapalli News, Anandabazar, Aadhra Wishesh, Aaraamthinai, Abasar, Abhitak News, Accommodation Times, Adampur News Portal, Agranews, Ajir Asom, Ajmernama, Akhbarulhind, Akila Daily, Al Hindelyom, Alpaviram Hiindi Daily, Amarujala.comAmdavad Pulse, Anandabazar Patrika, Andhra Bhoomi, Andhra Jyothy. Andhra Prabha. Anweshanam,  Anyay Vivechak, Aponzone, Arangu, Asian Age, Asian Correspondent, Asli Azadi, Asomiya PratidinAssam Times, The Assam Tribune, Aurangabadtimes Urdu Daily, Awaz-e-Dost, Bangla Kagaj, The Bangalore Metro Reporter,Bartaman Patrika,, BBC Bengali, BBC Hindi, BBC Tamil, BD24Live, Beed Reporter, Bengal Newz, Bharat Khabar, Bhaskar, Bihar Times, Bilkul, Business Standard, The Capital Post, Chauthi Duniya, Chitralekha, Chhattisgarth News Update, Counterview, Costatimes Telugu News Online, Daily Dasar Katha, The Daily Ekdin, The Daily Etalaat, Daily Excelsior, Daily Hamara Samaj, Daily Hindi News, The Daily Indian, Daily Kashmir Images,  Daily Kesari, Daily Lokmanthan, Daily Loktimes, The Daily Milap, Daily News Activist, Daily News & Analysis, Daily Pratap, Daily Pratap,Daily Pratap, Daily Roshni, Daily Sada-E-Chanar, Daily Sai Sandhya, Daily Thanthi, Dainik Agradoot, Dainik Aikya, Dainik Awantika, Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik India Darpan, Dainik Jagran,  Dainik Jugasankha, Dainik Jugasankha, Dainik Jugasankha, Dainik Navajyoti, Dainik Murder, ,Dainik Sach, Kahoon,Dainik Sach Kahoon, Dainik Sach Kahoon, Dainik Sach Kahoon, Dainik Sach Kahoon, Dainik Savera Times, Dainik Suprovat, Dakshin Bharat, Dandakaranya Samachar, Dani Gwalior Sandesh, Darjeeling Times, Dastak News, Dateline India, DAWAT,The Day After, Deccan Chronicle, Deccan HeraldDeepikaDeepika Global, The Defender, Delhi Up To Date, The Democratic News, Deshabhimani Daily , Deshbandhu, Deshdoot, Deshonnati, Deshvidesh Times, Dharitri, Dinamalar, Dinakaran, Dinamani, Divya Bhaskar, Divya Himachal, DLA, Don Gujarat, DNA, Doaba Headlines, Don Gujarat, Ebela,The Economic Times,The Echo of India, Eenadu, Ei Samay, Emalwa,  Energy Bangla, Entevaartha, E-pao, Epilogue, The Etemaad Daily, The Free Press Journal, The Financial Express, Firstpost, Ganashakti, Ganashakti, General Daily, Global India Newsline, Global Malayalam, Gold News, Good Morning, Greater Kashmir, Gujarat Observer, Gujarat Samachar, Gujaratam, Gujarati Midday, Gujarati News, Hamara MahanagarThe Hamdam Daily, Hamdard Weekly, The Hans India, Har Pal Online, Hastakshep, The Hawk, Headlines India, Hello Hindustan, Himgiri & Snowline News, Himtimes, Hindi Milap, Hindistan, Hindustan Lokshakti Ka Parcha, The Hindu, The Hindustan Times, Hindusthan Samachar, IdeaTvNews, IJK News, Imroz-e-Hind, Independent Voice, India Abroad, India Gazette, India News Week, India Times, The Indian Awaaz, Indian Express, Indian Muslim Observer, Indian Times,  Inquilab, International Business Times, Irinjalakudalive, Islamic Voice, Island News, Isma Times, Jaihind Daily, Jagbani, Jagran,, Jago Punjab | Jago India, Janadesh.in,  Janamukha, Janasadharan, Janatha Madhyama, Janatha Vani,  Janmat Patrika, Janpath Samachar, Jansatta, Jansatta Express, Journalist Today, Kaliyuganarada, Kalki Weekly, Kangla Online, Kannada Prabha, Karnataka News, Karmakshetra, Kasaragod.com, Kasaragodvartha, Kashmir Observer, Kashmir Times, Kaumudi Online, Kerala Graph, Kerala Kaumudi, Kerala Online, Kerala Online News, Kerala Varthakal, KhabarExpress.com, Khaleej Times, Khas Khabar, Khidmat, Khoji News, The Kochi Reporter, Koshur Akhbar, Kothrud Mitra, Kumudam, MyKeralaNews.com, League of India, Legend News, LiveVartha, The Local, LocalNewspaper.in, Lokmanthan, Lokmat, Lokmitra Daily, Loksatta, Loktej, Lokraj Online Media, Madadgar,  Madhyamam Daily, Maharashtra TimesMalayala,  VaarthaMalayalagraph, Malenadu Online Portal, Malwa Post, Mangalam, Mangalorean Times, Manorama News, Manorama Online, Marathi News Daily, Marathwada Neta, Media Newsline, Meghdoot, Mera Chandigarh, Mid-Day, The Milli Gazette, Mithila SamadThe Morung Express, Mountain Voices Online, Mulakat Weekly, Mumbai Mirror, Mumbai Mitra, Munsif Daily, Myjhunjhunu.com, Naba Barta Prasanga, Nagaland Post, Naidunia, Nai Khabar, Namastey Telangana, Nav Bharat Times, Nava Panga,  Navhind Times,  Navhindustan News, Naya IndiaNet4News, Neindia.comThe New Indian Express, News Guru India, The News International, NewKerala, News Post, News Today, Newsview, News Wing, Newstrack India, Nhatky, Nida-I-Mashriq, Nirmal Metro, Nobat, Northlines, NowAmritsar, Odisha.Com, Odisha News, OHeraldOnline,  Indian News, Only Kashmir, Orissa Barta, Orissa India, Orissa Infoline, Outlook India, Paliwal Wani, Palpal India, Panchjanya, Panchayat Ki Muskan, Parabaas, Parvasi, Pathirika Online.com, Patna DailyPen Men, Peoples Samachar, Phayul, The Pioneer, Planet Powai, Postnoon, Prabha Sakshi, Prabhat Khabar, Pragativadi, Prahaar, Prajasakti, Prajavani Kannada Daily, Prajodaya, Pratahkal, Pratham Impact, Prerna Bharati, ProKerala News, Public News, Pudhari ePaper  Punjab Infoline, Punjab Kesari, Punjab Newsline, Punjab Newsline, Punjab Star News, Punjab Today, Quami Tanzeem, Ranchi Express, Raj Express, Rajasthan News1, Rajasthan Patrika, Rajdhani Times, Rajmangal Times, Rashtriya Sahara, Rising Kashmir, Rozana Spokesman, Roznama Rashtriya Sahara, Saakshar Post, Sach Kahoon, Sada e Watan Jadeed, Saderatulhind, Safal Soch, Sahafat,  Sahara SamaySahil Online, Sahil Online, Sailab News,  Sakal, Sakshi Daily, Sakshi Telugu News Paper,]Samayik Prasanga, Sambhaav, The Samaj, Samaja Vani, Sandhya Vir Arjun, Sandesh, The Sangai Express,Sanjevani, Sanjh Savera,,Sansani of India, Saptaha,Saraswati Patra, Sardarshahar News,Satyam Live, Thjas Online, Scoop News, The Sentinel, The Sen Times Online Newspaper, Shahernama, The Shillong Times, The Siasat Daily, Sify Hindi, Sify News, The Sikh Times, Sikh Virsa, Sikkim Darjeeling and Kalimpong news, Sikkim Express, Space View Times, SP News, State Times, The Statesman, Suddi Bidugade, Suddi Online News, Suprovat, Surya Telugu Daily, Swatantraawaz.com, Tamil Star News, The Tamil Sudar, Tarun Bharat, Tehelka,The Telegraph, Telugu News, Thatstamil.com, Thejas, Thinaboomi, The Tibet Post International, Times of Assam, The Times of India, The Times of India, The Times of Punjab, Today India, Today Punjab , Tolivelugu, The Tribune, TwoCircles.net, U Nongsain Hima, Udaipur Times,Udayavani, Upkhabar, Urdu Net, Utharadesam, UTs’ Voice, Uttarbanga Sambad, The Viewspaper, Vijay News, VikatanVisakha Samacharam, Vishva Kannada, VijayaKanataka, Voice of Assam, Voice of Sikkim, The Voice of Millions, Voice of Movement, Wadikiawaz, Web Dunia, Web India, White Drums, World Now, Zee News, Zolengthe