IAI e Roma 3. Fra crisi, cambiamenti e sogni: una difesa europea prossima ventura?

18 Maggio 2016

Fonti: Istituto Affari Internazionali, Roma 3, Airpress







Si terrà dal 19 al 20 maggio il seminario dal titolo “Towards a European defence? Origins and challenges of the European project on common Defence” che si inserisce nel ciclo di conferenze “Common Defence, Security, and Citizenship: Three Challenges for the New Europe” organizzato dallo Iai, Università Roma Tre, Ceas e Iai.

L’appuntamento è a Roma presso l’Università  Roma Tre, Aula Magna del Rettorato, Viale Ostiense 159.


Towards a European Defence? Origins and Challenges of the European Project on Common Defence

19/05/2016 – 20/05/2016, Roma, Università “Roma Tre”, Aula Magna del Rettorato

In recent years, the European Union has faced a series of political and social chal- lenges that have threatened the foundations of its integration model. Since 2008, the economic and financial crisis has put into question the achievement of the single currency and the sustainability of the European welfare system. The emergency linked to migratory flows in the Mediterranean and through the Balkan route, togeth- er with threats to European security arising from the instability of the neighborhood and terrorist attacks, led to a retreat on the principles of free circulation and solidarity in Europe. The scenario and the progressive disaffection of citizens from the European project have encouraged the emergence of populist movements and the strengthening of Eurosceptic parties, and a referendum pending in the UK to decide to withdraw from the Union. These trends undermine the internal cohesion of the Union, but also its ability to project internationally. Ultimately, the EU must rethink its model through a revision of the bases and mechanisms of the integration process, particularly in the areas most affected by the ongoing crisis. The definition of a common defence policy and the management of internal and external security are indispensable to ensure the stability of the Member States and the protection of European citizens, contributing to the maintenance of peace beyond the European Union borders while promoting more advanced forms of pooled sovereignty at the European level. At the same time, interventions in these areas must be accompanied by common citizenship policies that strengthen the pact between European institutions and citizens and the democratic dimension of the European decision-making process as a whole. In order to deepen the reflection on these issues, the Centre of excellence Altiero Spinelli (CeAS) of University “Roma Tre”, in collaboration with Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) of Rome, organizes this seminar devoted to the common European defence. The seminar will offer an opportunity to point at and debate historical, legal, institutional, political and economic issues and aspects of the European defense, with the participation of scholars, experts, and representatives of European and national institutions and the media. The initiative is part of a cycle of seminars organised in cooperation and with the sponsorship of La Cittadinanza Europea, Civitas Europa, and Revista de derecho constitucional europeo. – See more at: http://www.iai.it/it/eventi/towards-european-defence#sthash.yYLsryCF.dpuf


Thursday 19 May
15.00-15.30 Registration of participants 9.30-10.15 Session III: The defence sector: institutions and procedures, market integration and new technologies 15.30-16.00 Welcome addresses Luigi Moccia, President, Altiero Spinelli Centre – Jean Monnet Centre of excellen-ce, “Roma Tre” (CeAS), University “Roma Tre”
Vincenzo Camporini, Vice Pr esident, Istituto Affar i Inter nazionali (IAI)
16.00-16.45 Opening speech
Mario Telò, Université Libre de Bruxelles, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome
The European foreign, security and defence policy: theoretical approaches and critical aspects
16.45-17.00 Coffee break
Friday 20 May
The defence sector: institutions and procedures, market integration and new technologies 15.30-16.00Welcome addresses
Nicoletta Pirozzi, IAI and University “Roma Tre”Mechanisms and operations of the Common Security and Defence Policy: the clauses of mutual defence (art. 42.7 TEU) and solidarity (art. 222 TFEU), civilian and military operations
Jean Pierre Darnis, IAI and University of Nice Un marché intégré pour l’industrie de la sécurité et défense en Europe ? Le cas du secteur spatial
Torben Schuetz, Independent Expert, Berlin New technologies for defence: the role of the European Defence Agency
10,15-10,45 Discussion
 10.45-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.30 Tavola rotonda conclusiva Verso una difesa europea: opportunità e sfide
Rosa Maria Villecco Calipari, Commissione Difesa, Camera dei deputati Alessandro Azzoni, Capo Unità PESC/PSDC, Ministero Affar i esteri e Cooperazione internazionale
Stefano Cont, Capo Ufficio per la Politica militar e, Ministero della difesa Marco Piantini, Consigliere per gli affar i eur opei del Pr esidente del Consiglio
modera: Mariolina Sattanino, Rai Quirinale
17.00-18.00 Session I:
The European security and defence policy between theory and practice
José Antonio Montilla, Univer sity of Granada
The CSDP in the current EU crisis
Touhami Abdouli, for mer Vice Minister in char ge of Arab and African Affairs, Tunisian Government
Facing the security challenges in the Euro-Mediterranean area: another side’s point of view
Andrea Frontini, Eur opean Policy Centr e, Br ussels and Mariagiulia Amadio, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome The new institutions of Lisbon: the role of the European External Action Service in the field of security and defence
18.00-18.30 Discussion